Friday, May 9, 2008

Small molecules, BIG benefits!

Transfer factors may be small, but their impact is colossal!
To really understand what transfer factors are, it's important to know what they aren't.
Transfer factors are not vitamins, minerals, herbs, or even fruits.

So, what are they?

Transfer factors are some of the most unique molecules in your body.

Transfer factors are messenger molecules that transfer immune information from one source to another.

They carry important messages to immune cells all over the body, helping them fight harder and more effectively to keep you well.

Transfer factors provide intelligence to the immune system in three very important ways.
We call them the three R's.

Transfer factors help immune cells identify invading germs more quickly.

Transfer factors help speed up the immune system's response to an invader after it's been identified.

Transfer factors lend a hand in remembering the specific make-up of each germ your immune system encounters, so the next time it comes around, your body knows exactly what it is, and what to do.

For a story that will change everything; . . . why you should care about your immune system; . . . the latest Tri-Factor quantam leap through the addition of NanoFactor which possesses an extraordinary amount of intuition; . . . testimonials and more, click here . . .

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Birth of a blog

Harry passed away last night. I hardly knew him. In fact, the number of times we met can be counted on the fingers of one hand. He seemed a good sort. The last time I met him was at a charity lunch last November (2007) organised by his sister-in-law, my sister-in-law and some of their friends. I joined him at his table to partake of Debbie's delicious food, and we had a nice little chat, not knowing that it would be our last meeting. As I said, I hardly knew him. Yet, I could not stop the tears from flowing when I heard he had died . . .

From the moment I heard that Harry had been diagnosed with lung cancer, I desperately wanted to see him to share the Transfer Factor Story and the many testimonies with him. I chanced upon 4Life Research and Transfer Factors in April 2007 and over the last year, I have seen, heard, learnt and experienced so much about these Amazing Molecules that I am really convinced that Transfer Factors work! My next posts will go into more detail and tell a story that will change everything.

So, I waited while Harry told his close friends that he wanted to go through with the recommended chemotherapy first. He wanted to keep his illness quiet and his friends were wary about recommending anything because at times like this, every Tom, Dick and Harry seems to have some wonder treatment to recommend. I asked his friends to pass on some Transfer Factor booklets to him anyway.

The months passed. I would enquire about his well-being every now and then only to hear that he was not doing too well or getting any better. I kept on hoping that he or someone close to him would take a good look at the information I had passed or even check out my website.
Yesterday, I happened to read on his cousin's blog that he was very, very ill. I realised, that it was probably too late, but nevertheless, with a very heavy heart, I wrote to his cousin via her blog to tell her about 4Life Transfer Factors and asked her to check out my website and to contact me if she wished to know more. This morning, I got the call informing me that Harry had passed away last night . . .

The sense of sadness and frustration was just too much to bear and it has made me determined to go all out to spread the Transfer Factor Story to as many people as I can. We have a choice. We can choose to remain as healthy as possible. We can choose to be in good health instead of poor health by adopting healthy lifestyles, making our food choices wisely to partake of a healthy diet, exercising moderately and regularly AND maintaining an intelligent, balanced and effective Immune System by taking Transfer Factor supplements.

I thank Harry for the birth of this blog and pray for the peaceful repose of his soul. It is so sad that I could not help him even though I so desperately wanted to but I can help YOU, dear reader. You can make a choice. You can Choose Health! Please read about these small Amazing Molecules with the Big Benefits and get to know about the Discovery Of A Lifetime. This is a story that will change everything! Be sure to pass it on!